5 Sites To take your Flamingo obsession to a whole new level

So you’ve got yourself a flamingo mug, flamingo print, flamingo coaster – what do you do to take your flamingo obsession to the next level?
See them in the wild.
If, like us, you’re in the UK, the closest you’ll find in the wild is a heron with sunburn, but a short hop over the channel reveals tens of thousands of flamingos for you to see, from Spain and Portugal up through France and even in Germany and the Netherlands
5 top wild flamingo sites in Europe
5. Pont de Gau Ornithological Park, Camargue, France
Year-round flocks, and just a two-hour flight from London.
4. Alcochete, Portugal (in winter)
A vast nature reserve, right next to the capital, Lisbon.
3. Lake Grevelingen, Netherlands (in winter)
Yep, in the chilly low countries you’ll find a splash of pink.
2. Zwillbrocker Venn, Germany
In spring, this nature reserve in the northwest of Germany becomes home to the Dutch birds, who head (slightly) east to breed and raise little baby flamingos. Aww.
1. Las Salinas de Torrevieja, Spain
Not just flamingos, but a pink lake, too! The pinkness comes from two species of tiny critters that inhabit this salty expanse of water. It’s so salty that, like the Dead Sea, you can float in with ease – and it’s good for your skin, too!
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